Source 3: Last minute preparations
This extract from the Treasurer’s Accounts describes last minute arrangements to buy cloth to make banners and standards for the army, to buy gold thread to decorate the king’s armour with details of the cost to transport lighter weapons to Coldstream.
(National Records of Scotland reference: E30/3 fol.83r)
August 1513
Item, for four ellis of blew taffeteis to mak Sanct Androwis
Sanct Margrettis baneris, price of the ellne xx s; Summa |
iiij li
Item, for four ellis rede taffateis to be the kingis baner, price
of the
elln xx s; Summa |
iiij li
Item, for xiiij unce of sewing silk to be frenzeis to the baneris
standartis, price of the unce v s; Summa |
iij li x s
Item, iij ellis taffateis to be the kingis standart, price of the ell
xx s, Summa |
iij li
Item, to ane woman that maid the frenyeis to the baner and
standartis, |
xl s |
Item, for iiij basand skinnis to be casis to kepe the baner and
standartis in, price |
xiiij s
Item for the making of thaim in haist |
iiij s |
Item, for x hankis of gold gevin to the capitane of the castellis
wyf for the kingis coit armour, price of the hank v s; Summa |
Item, to ane man to byde on the standartis to bring thaim with
him in haist that nycht that the kingis grace departit furth
of Edinburgh |
x s
Item, the xix day of August, for ane stand of harness to the
kingis grace bocht fra Schir David Guthre for the quilk he
has my obligatioun of |
xl li
Item, to the constable of the castell of Edinburgh at our departing
till Ingland, the last day we war in the castell, till furneis us all
necessaris, to gude compt |
xvj li
Item, the xxix day of August, the kingis grace send me hame
for canon quhelis, gwn stanis and oxin.
Item, to vj hors with gwn stanis, ilk man and hors xiiij s; Summa |
iiij li iiij s
Item, to xx men and hors to cary xx dusane of speris to
ilk man and hors vj s; Summa |
vj li
(National Records of Scotland reference: E30/3 fol.83v)
August 1513
Item, for four ells of blue taffeta to make Saint Andrew’s
Saint Margaret’s banners, price of the ell 20s; Total |
Item, for four ells of red taffeta to be the king’s banner, price
of the
ell 20s; Total |
Item, for 14 ounces of sewing silk to be fringes to the banners
standards, price of the ounce 5s; Total |
£3 10s
Item, 3 ells of taffeta to be the king’s standard, price of the ell
20s, Total |
Item, to a woman that made the fringes for the banner and
standards, |
Item, for 4 sheep skins to be cases to keep the banner and
standards in, price |
Item for the making of them in haste |
Item, for 10 hanks of gold given to the captain of the castle’s
wife for the king’s coat armour, price of the hank 5s; Total |
Item, to a man to wait for the standards to bring them with
him in haste that night that the king’s grace will depart from
Edinburgh |
Item, the 19 day of August, for a set of harnesses to the
King’s grace bought from Sir David Guthrie for the which he
has my obligation of |
Item, to the constable of the castle of Edinburgh at our departing
to England, the last day we were in the castle, to furnish us all
with the necessary, to good account |
Item, the 29 day of August, the king’s grace sent me home
for canon wheels, gun stones and oxen.
Item, to 6 horses with gun stones, each man and horse 14s; Total |
£4 4s
Item, to 20 men and horse to carry 20 dozen of spears to
Coldstream, each
man and horse 6s; Total |
(Accounts of the Lord High Treasurer of Scotland, Vol IV, 1507-1513, p. 521-522)