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History - National 4 and National 5

The following workshops are designed to support the senior phase of the curriculum for S4 - S6 students.

Image shows students participating in a workshop. Crown copyright: National Records of Scotland

Study Skills

This workshop introduces students to primary sources held in the National Records of Scotland. It provides them with the opportunity to evaluate sources, with reference to their provenance, content and wider historical context, and introduces them to the inherent difficulties in working with original records.

Detail of image of a witness statement. National Records of Scotland reference JC12/1/31.

Witches on Trial

Between 1563 and 1736, witchcraft was a criminal offence in Scotland, punishable by death. Students study evidence presented in a number of 16th and 17th century witchcraft trials to understand why they took place and how the accused were dealt with.
Recommended for S1-S6 pupils.

Image shows detail from a census record featuring an entry for Charles R Mackintosh. Crown copyright: National Records of Scotland.

What is the census?

The first official Scottish census took place in 1801 and it continues to take place every ten years. Why do we have a census and how useful is the data collected? Students learn how to read, interpret and compare statistical data from a selection of 19th to 21st century census records. The next census is due in 2021: what questions should be asked to help plan Scotland's future?

Image shows part of a photograph of St Kildans at the jetty. National Records of Scotland reference GD1/713/15

St Kilda: Planning the Evacuation

On 10 May 1930 government officials received a petition from the inhabitants of St Kilda asking for assistance to leave the island. Students revisit the experience through the eyes of both the civil servants and the local population to assess how the situation was handled and whether they agree with the decisions taken.