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The Great War in Scotland

This unit features a selection of archives from the National Records of Scotland on the impact of the Great War in Scotland. It includes letters from the battle front, reports on local bombing raids and submarine attacks, and demonstrates the impact of the war on people's everyday lives.

Further information on the Great War in Scotland.

Keeping in Touch

The War Effort

Attacks from the air
Drawing of soldiers in the trenches. National Records of Scotland reference: GD1/625/3/1 Photograph showing a tank on display in Motherwell, 1918. National Records of Scotland reference: NSC1/392/2/27 Photograph of a Graf zeppelin (Wikipedia).

Attacks from the sea

The role of women

1918 and beyond
Image of two men on a German U-boat (Imperial War Museum reference: 20220) Image of woman shovelling potatoes (National Records of Scotland reference: HH31/27/51/3) Detail from a ration book, 1918. National Records of Scotland reference: GD483/14/5



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