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The Union of 1707

The Union of the Parliaments of Scotland and England in 1707 was a pivotal moment in Scottish history.

The Union of 1707 resource was originally created as part of the A Union for a' That schools education project in 2007. This was a joint project between the National Archives of Scotland (now the National Records of Scotland), the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland, Historic Scotland, the National Library of Scotland, the National Galleries of Scotland, The Scottish Government, the Law Society of Scotland and Learning Teaching Scotland (now Education Scotland). Originally issued to all schools in Scotland as a DVD, we would like to thank all the former project partners for their support in making this resource available online.

Timeline of events leading up to the Union of 1707.

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
The image shows an extract from an engraving of the Riding of the Scottish Parliament, from Cassell's 'Old and New Edinburgh' vol.1, p.61
Image shows an extract from the first page of the Alien Act, 1705. National Records of Scotland, Hamilton Papers, GD406/M1/247/1
The image shows an extract from a facsimile of the signatures of the Articles of Union (c) Crown copyright, National Records of Scotland
The image shows an extract from an engraving of a coffee house.
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
The image shows an extract from the Order from James Douglas, 2nd Duke of Queensberry, National Records of Scotland, Leven and Melville Papers, reference GD26/7/124. Reproduced by kind permission of the Earl of Leven
The image shows an extract from a letter from the Duke of Hamilton to his mother, National Records of Scotland, Hamilton Papers, reference GD406/1/7854
The image shows an extract from the Exemplification of the Act of Union, 7 March 1707. National Records of Scotland, State Papers, reference SP13/210 p.1
The image shows an extract from a letter received by the Earl of Mar relaying news of the mood in Edinburgh. National Records of Scotland, Mar and Kellie Papers, reference GD124/15/549



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