Expensis maid be Johnne chisholme comptrollar of the
artailzerye [artillery] wpoun certane nu[m]mer of fyrework[is] Ordanit be the
Quenes maiesties [apparently deleted: precept directit to the said Johnne [ther]vpoun] to be maid
and put to executioun at the baptisme of hir hienes darrest sone
in st[irui]ling [Stirling] The said expe[n]sis begi[n]ning the xix day of
November 1566 And ending the xxii day of december
nixt eftir following As at mair Lenth is [con]tenit in ev[er]y article of
this p[rese]nt compt
ITem in the first payit to James barroun cartir
of Lay[th] for his passing out of the said toun to
the castell of du[n]bar, and [ther]fra brocht vpoun his
cart to the said toun of Lay[th] four barrellis of
ca[n]noun poulder to serve for making of the fyre
work[is] and ane Littill barrell w[ith] bru[n]tstane
and roset to the same affect
Ls [50 shillings]
ITem payit to James Hector ordinar gu[n]nar
send to du[n]bar for getting of the poulder
be ane precept of the Q[uenes] ma[ies]teis to the Laird
of quhitlaw, for his expe[n]sis and horss fee
xxiiijs [24 shillings]
ITem payit to michaell gairdner gu[n]nar and
poulder makar in the castell of Edimbur[ch]t [Edinburgh]
passing from the sami[n] to the toun of St[irui]ling
for making of fyrework[is] and bying of stuf
to [th]at poipos togidd[er] for his panes and exp[en]sis
The soume of xl [10 pounds]
Item payit to the said James Hector at ane v[ther]
tyme passing towart[is] the Q[uenes] ma[ies]tie [th]ay being
in du[n]bar w[i]t[h] Letters to Informe hir heines of
the proceiding of the foirsaid[is] fyrework co[n]forme
to hir g[race's] precept [ther]vpoun And als to require of...
(National Records of Scotland reference: E23/3/45)
compt = account
Lay[th] = Leith
brunstane = brimstone
roset = resin