Study Skills
This workshop introduces students to primary sources held in the National Records of Scotland. It provides them with the opportunity to evaluate sources with reference to their provenance, content and wider historical context, and introduces them to the inherent difficulties in working with original records. Book this workshop now. |
The Wars of Independence, 1286-1328: the rise and triumph of Robert Bruce.
'Great was the task that Robert Bruce took upon himself' (Fordun's Chronicle).
This session illustrates the themes of authority, conflict and identity. Students study extracts from contemporary state papers and the Ayr Manuscript, and discuss the difficulties attached to working with medieval sources. Book this workshop now. |
The Age of Reformation: the impact of the Reformation on Scotland to 1603.
Among the Reformation's most important legacies are the extensive written records of the new church courts introduced to run church affairs: the General Assembly, synods, presbyteries and kirk sessions. Students study extracts from these and from parliamentary papers to question the influence of the Church on Scotland's social, cultural, educational and economic development after 1560. Book this workshop now. |
The Treaty of Union, 1689-1740: the arguments for and against union with England.
Students study contemporary correspondence to explore the opinions for and against the union. This session provides an introduction to the difficulties inherent in working with primary source material from this period, in particular contemporary language and handwriting. Book this workshop now. |
Migration and Empire, 1830-1939: the migration of Scots, emigration from Scotland.
Students investigate one family's experience of emigration to Australia by examining a selection of primary source material. The session includes a demonstration of the difficulties inherent in working with primary source material from this period. Book this workshop now. |
The Impact of the Great War, 1914-1928: the domestic impact of war: society and culture.
Students evaluate and discuss a selection of primary sources relating to the outbreak of war, the effects of recruitment and conscription on people's lives, the use of the Military Appeal Tribunals Scheme for exemption from military service and the treatment of conscientious objectors. Book this workshop now. |